RNC Convention: Shaping the Republican Agenda and the Presidential Race - Isabel Treloar

RNC Convention: Shaping the Republican Agenda and the Presidential Race

Republican National Convention Platform and Policy Positions

Rnc convention

The Republican National Convention (RNC) platform Artikels the party’s key policy positions and priorities. These positions are shaped by the party’s core values, which include individual liberty, limited government, and free markets.

The RNC platform has been used as a guide for Republican candidates and elected officials in developing and implementing policies at the state and federal levels. For example, many Republican-led states have implemented tax cuts, reduced regulations, and promoted school choice, all of which are policies supported by the RNC platform.

If the RNC candidate is elected president, the party’s platform will likely have a significant impact on national policy. The platform calls for a number of changes to the tax code, including reducing the corporate tax rate and eliminating the estate tax. It also calls for repealing the Affordable Care Act and replacing it with a market-based system. On immigration, the platform calls for increased border security and a reduction in legal immigration.

These are just a few of the key planks of the RNC platform. The platform is a comprehensive document that covers a wide range of issues. It is important to note that the platform is not binding on Republican candidates or elected officials. However, it does provide a roadmap for the party’s priorities and goals.

Taxation, Rnc convention

The RNC platform calls for a number of changes to the tax code, including reducing the corporate tax rate and eliminating the estate tax. These changes are designed to stimulate economic growth and create jobs.

The RNC has long argued that the corporate tax rate is too high and that it discourages businesses from investing in the United States. The platform calls for reducing the corporate tax rate to 20%, which would make it one of the lowest in the developed world.

The RNC also supports eliminating the estate tax, which is a tax on the transfer of wealth at death. The party argues that the estate tax is unfair and that it discourages people from saving and investing.


The RNC platform calls for repealing the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and replacing it with a market-based system. The party argues that the ACA is too expensive and that it has led to higher healthcare costs for many Americans.

The RNC’s proposed healthcare system would allow individuals to purchase health insurance across state lines and would give states more flexibility in regulating health insurance. The party also supports expanding the use of health savings accounts (HSAs) and allowing individuals to use HSAs to pay for a wider range of healthcare expenses.


The RNC platform calls for increased border security and a reduction in legal immigration. The party argues that the current immigration system is broken and that it is allowing too many people to enter the United States illegally.

The RNC’s proposed immigration reforms would include building a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, increasing the number of border patrol agents, and making it more difficult for people to obtain visas to enter the United States. The party also supports reducing the number of refugees admitted to the United States and ending the diversity visa lottery program.

RNC Convention Speakers and Agenda

Rnc convention

The Republican National Convention (RNC) will feature a lineup of prominent speakers, each delivering a message tailored to the party’s base and broader electorate. The agenda of the convention will focus on themes of unity, economic prosperity, and support for law enforcement.


Among the notable speakers scheduled to address the convention are President Donald Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, First Lady Melania Trump, and a host of other Republican leaders and conservative commentators. Each speaker is expected to emphasize the party’s core values and promote the Trump administration’s accomplishments.


The convention’s agenda will highlight issues of national importance, including the economy, healthcare, and national security. Speakers will discuss the party’s plans for addressing these issues and contrast them with the policies of the Democratic Party. The convention will also feature speeches from individuals who have benefited from the Trump administration’s policies, such as small business owners and law enforcement officers.


The speakers and agenda of the RNC convention are crucial in shaping the party’s message and mobilizing its base. The convention provides a platform for the party to present its vision for the future and contrast it with that of the opposing party. The speakers’ messages and the agenda’s themes will be used to energize the party’s base and encourage them to vote in the upcoming election.

The RNC convention has been a whirlwind of political speeches and debates, with Kevin McCarthy emerging as a key figure. As the House Minority Leader, McCarthy’s speech was highly anticipated, and he delivered a passionate defense of conservative values. His words resonated with the convention attendees, solidifying his position as a rising star in the Republican Party.

As the convention draws to a close, it remains to be seen what impact McCarthy’s speech will have on the upcoming midterm elections.

The Republican National Convention is a pivotal event for the party, and this year’s gathering in Milwaukee promises to be no different. Among the notable attendees will be Representative Matt Gaetz, a staunch supporter of President Trump. Matt Gaetz at RNC will be a key figure to watch as the convention unfolds, as his presence is sure to generate both excitement and controversy.

The convention will be a crucial moment for the Republican Party as it seeks to unify behind its nominee and prepare for the upcoming election.

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