Baptist Press: A Voice for Baptists Worldwide - Isabel Treloar

Baptist Press: A Voice for Baptists Worldwide

Baptist Press History and Mission

The Baptist Press (BP) is the official news service of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), the largest Protestant denomination in the United States. Founded in 1845, the BP has a long and storied history of providing news and information to Southern Baptists and the wider Christian community.

Baptist Press, the news service of the Southern Baptist Convention, has been reporting on the recent controversy surrounding Tony Evans and Carla Crummie. Tony Evans and Carla Crummie are both prominent figures in the Southern Baptist Convention, and their relationship has been the subject of much speculation and debate.

Baptist Press has been providing updates on the situation as it develops, and has also published articles exploring the theological and ethical issues involved.

The BP was founded by James Robinson Graves, a Baptist pastor and editor from Kentucky. Graves believed that Southern Baptists needed a centralized news service to keep them informed about the denomination’s activities and to promote its mission. The BP’s first issue was published on January 1, 1845, and it has been published continuously ever since.

Baptist Press, the official news service of the Southern Baptist Convention, recently reported that Tony Evans, the long-serving senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, has resigned. Evans, who has led the church for 40 years, will step down from his role as senior pastor in September 2023.

Baptist Press noted that Evans’s resignation comes after a period of significant growth and ministry impact for Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship.

Over the years, the BP has played a vital role in the life of the SBC. It has covered the denomination’s major events, including the Civil War, the Great Depression, and the Civil Rights Movement. The BP has also been a strong advocate for religious freedom and has played a key role in shaping the SBC’s public policy positions.

Baptist Press, the news service of the Southern Baptist Convention, has been covering the ministry of Tony Evans for decades. Evans, a renowned author, speaker, and pastor, is the founder and senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, Texas.

Through his Tony Evans ministry , he has reached millions of people with the message of the gospel, inspiring them to live transformed lives.

Today, the BP is a multimedia news organization that provides news, features, and commentary to Southern Baptists and the wider Christian community. The BP’s website,, is one of the most popular Christian news websites in the world. The BP also produces a weekly podcast, The Baptist Press Podcast, and a daily email newsletter, The Baptist Press Update.

The BP’s mission is to provide “accurate, timely, and relevant news and information to Southern Baptists and the wider Christian community.” The BP’s core values are accuracy, fairness, balance, and timeliness.

Key Milestones in Baptist Press History

  • 1845: The BP is founded by James Robinson Graves.
  • 1861: The BP suspends publication during the Civil War.
  • 1865: The BP resumes publication after the Civil War.
  • 1905: The BP becomes the official news service of the SBC.
  • 1925: The BP moves its headquarters to Nashville, Tennessee.
  • 1953: The BP begins publishing a weekly newspaper, The Baptist Standard.
  • 1995: The BP launches its website,
  • 2005: The BP begins publishing a daily email newsletter, The Baptist Press Update.
  • 2015: The BP celebrates its 170th anniversary.

Baptist Press Content and Publications

Baptist press
The Baptist Press publishes a wide range of content, including news articles, feature stories, editorials, and multimedia resources. Its content is tailored to meet the needs of its target audience, which includes Baptist churches, pastors, and laypeople.

The Baptist Press’s news articles cover a variety of topics, including church news, denominational news, and news from around the world. Its feature stories often focus on the work of Baptist churches and individuals who are making a difference in the world. The Baptist Press also publishes editorials that offer commentary on current events and issues facing the Baptist community.

In addition to its print and online publications, the Baptist Press also produces a variety of multimedia resources, including videos, podcasts, and infographics. These resources are designed to help Baptist churches and individuals share the gospel and connect with their communities.

The Baptist Press has a significant impact on the Baptist community and the broader Christian world. Its content helps to inform and educate Baptists about the work of their churches and the issues facing the denomination. The Baptist Press also helps to promote cooperation and unity among Baptists.

Baptist Press Influence and Partnerships

Baptist press

The Baptist Press, as the official news service of the Southern Baptist Convention, holds significant influence within Baptist churches and organizations. It serves as a primary source of information and perspectives on Baptist-related matters, shaping opinions and guiding decision-making among its vast readership.

Beyond its direct influence within the Baptist community, the Baptist Press has also established strategic partnerships and collaborations with other Christian media outlets and organizations. These alliances amplify the reach and impact of Baptist Press content, fostering a wider dissemination of Baptist values and perspectives.

Key Partnerships

  • National Religious Broadcasters (NRB): Baptist Press maintains a close partnership with NRB, a leading association of Christian broadcasters and communicators. This partnership provides access to a network of influential media professionals and a platform for sharing Baptist perspectives on issues of faith and public concern.
  • Christianity Today: Baptist Press collaborates with Christianity Today, a prominent evangelical magazine, to produce joint content and share resources. This partnership expands the reach of Baptist Press articles and insights to a broader Christian audience.
  • Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC): The Baptist Press works closely with the ERLC, the public policy arm of the Southern Baptist Convention. This collaboration ensures that Baptist Press coverage of social and ethical issues is informed by the ERLC’s research and advocacy efforts.

Role in Shaping Public Opinion

Through its extensive network and partnerships, the Baptist Press plays a pivotal role in shaping public opinion on matters of faith and values. By providing timely and accurate news coverage, the Baptist Press informs and educates the public about the perspectives and activities of the Baptist community.

Furthermore, the Baptist Press actively engages in public discourse through op-eds, interviews, and other forms of media outreach. These efforts contribute to a broader understanding of Baptist values and their relevance to contemporary society.

The Baptist Press, a news service of the Southern Baptist Convention, has reported on the work of Tony Evans in Oak Cliff. Tony Evans’ Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship has been a beacon of hope in the community for over 40 years, providing spiritual guidance and social services to residents.

Baptist Press, the official news service of the Southern Baptist Convention, provides comprehensive coverage of the denomination’s activities, including the latest tony evans news. Through its website, print publications, and social media platforms, Baptist Press keeps members informed about the work of the SBC and its affiliated organizations.

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